Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mellow yellow

Even though it's sleeting outside in the dreary winter, I can't help but think about spring and all the color it brings...especially because stores like Target already have new spring lines out in bright hues. I'm guilty of purchasing things to put me in a sunshiny mood ... like these cheery yellow canisters (that I bought in green for my kitchen) from Target. Though I lean more toward green for my own home, I can definitely appreciate all the new yellow accents out there. Gray and yellow complement each other well -- the marigold introduces a joyful presence, while slate brings things back down to reality. Regardless of the weather outside, chrysanthemums can always be in bloom on your walls, floors and chairs. I'm always drawn to its graphic elements in any form. Here's what I would use to inject a little spring in my home:
See polyvore for a list of the sources from my collage pictured below (the framed flower is from

Quote of the Day: "Watch out, the yellow ones don't stop!" -- Buddy from "Elf" while crossing the street in front of taxis

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